The Berlin show series "Café am Nil", founded in 2000 by Katharina Joumana, combines stagecraft with entertainment through oriental joie de vivre and has thrilled and delighted many thousand spectators over the last 10 years in sold-out shows in the ufaFabrik.
In "Café am Nil", oriental dance (belly dance) is presented by means of a story that runs through the show as a leitmotif. As the name reveals, the story takes place mostly in Egypt and other oriental countries. Thus, there is no "real" café, instead the spectator is taken with the show to an imaginary "Café am Nil". There, fantasy knows no bounds, and the artists display oriental dance (belly dance) in all its beauty and variety.
The impressive stage show in "Café am Nil" is full of funny, fairy-tale-like and absurd incidents, the treasure chest of the dance from the Nile is opened for the spectator. The artists present the evening in close contact with the audience and ensure lively, exciting, sensual and amusing entertainment. Raise the curtain, the show begins!